Wera del Caribe's Story

Wera was a 2-year-old dog living on the streets of Cancun. In May 2020 someone asked for help since she was in terrible health conditions. after several studies and treatments she was diagnosed with skin cancer. Despite this she fought for 7 months, during which she lived very happily. She was surrounded with incredible people who made donations to cover her medical expenses. Several businesses also donated resources and helped with medical expenses, grooming and photographic shoots. In in October 2020 he won two doggy costume contests and she always had a smile ... On December 10 of 2020 she lost the battle.

“Wera del Caribe” project was born. The objective WDC Project is to prevent suffering by reducing the population of street dogs living a life of suffering and neglect with a program focused on sterilizing mainly female dogs living in the street.

The orange color in our logo is due to the fact Wera passed away in the International Day of Animal Rights, which is commemorated with an orange ribbon. Wera was also a fan of mandarins.