Who We Are

We are a group of people interested in reducing the suffering and abandonment of companion animals.

We understand that there are not enough homes available for all abandoned companion animals, so we focus our efforts on developing a Trap Neuter and Release (TNR) program to reduce the population of "stray animals" in a humane way.

Thanks to donations, friends, volunteers and alies we can continue our mission.

Board of Directors

Bto Quiroz, fundador de Proyecto Wera del Caribe

Bto Quiroz

Communicator concerned about the mistreatment and suffering experienced by abandoned and street-born animals. Dedicated to rescuing and improving the lives of abandoned animals since 2010.

Hector Navarro, Miembro de la mesa directiva
Board Member

Hector Navarro

Photographer and graphic artist who seeks opportunities to help create a society based on well-being and justice for all. Former board member of CANDI (Cats And Dogs International) and official photographer of ViDAS

Francisco Guzmán, Miembro de la mesa directiva
Board Member

Francisco Guzmán

Audiovisual creator contributing to helping to stop animal suffering and working to inprove their lives.

Mónica García, Miembro de la mesa directiva
Board Member

Mónica García

Psychologist by profession, interested in reducing the population of street dogs in Mexico.